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Breast Augmentation | Enlargement Surgery in Delhi | Breast Implants Surgery in Delhi

Breast Enlargement (Augmentation) Surgery / Breast Implant Surgery at Care Well Medical Centre (South Delhi, CR Park)

Breast Enlargement/Augmentation and Breast Implant is not only about looks and cosmetic reshaping but is more of self esteem and confidence. Get the best Breast Enlargement Surgery / Breast Implant Surgery in Delhi by Dr. Sandeep Bhasin at Care Well Medical Centre, one of the best cosmetic surgery clinic in South Delhi, CR Park. Breast Augmentation/Enlargement and Breast Implants

Breast augmentation is a term related to breast implant mechanism. It is a fat-graft mammoplasty which is used to approach the size change of breasts, alteration in the texture of breasts and shape of the breasts of a woman. This a primary mechanism used for reconstruction of the breasts, it is applied to affect the special post commonly known as mastectomy breast reconstruction. The repair of wounded breast is consequent to a cancerous breast which is done for correction of congenital defects of the breasts. It is even done for correction of congenital defects of chest wall. It is an elective cosmetic surgery in which primary augmentation changes the following aesthetics of the healthy breasts:

  • Size of breasts
  • Shape of the breasts
  • Alteration of texture of breasts

Breast Implant

Breast implantation is a process or mechanism which is commonly done now days. This procedure is carried out for the change in size, shape, form and texture of a woman breasts. It is done commonly for correction of congenital defects and deformities related to the chest wall. It is even carried out commonly for creating male to female transsexual patient now days.

There are three types of common and general breast implant devices which are defined by their filler materials i.e.

  • Saline solution, in this an elastomer silicone shell is filled sterile saline solution
  • Silicone gel, in this an elastomer silicone shell filled with the viscous silicone gel
  • Composite filler, it features miscellaneous filters such as soy oil, polypropylene string etc.

The three types are done commonly for breasts augmentation and they may be discussed as following:

Silicone Gel Filled Breast Implantation
In this type of implantation the breasts are filled with silicone gel. The gel is more likely a natural breast tissue. On few situations the gel may leak out and it may remain with the implanted shell or it may escape in the implanted pocket of the breast. If the implant is leaking somehow it will never collapse.

If a woman is choosing silicone gel implantation, she needs to visit her surgeon on regular basis to assure that her implantation is functioning normally and properly. Surgeon secures the decision with a procedure of ultrasound or MRI screening through which the condition of breast implantation can be accessed.

Saline Filled Breast Implantation
In this type of breasts implantation the breasts are filled with sterile salt water. The implantation is carried out by filling the shells with a plastic gel which is nothing but saline. In case of leakage of the filled sterile salt water, implantation of saline will collapse and the saline will be absorbed by the body and it will be expelled by the body through natural processes. It is not of any danger to the patient and do not cause any type of defect or injury to the body. This does not cause any risk to the patient.

Saline water implantation provides a uniform shape to the breasts; they become firm less and feel soft and smooth in touch and shape. They are been advised by the doctors for women of age 18 or older. This implantation is not expected to last lifetime. They may or may not collapse in short term duration or long term durations.

Shaped Implants like Pear Shaped
These types of implantations are carried out in pear shaped body to go with a breast augmentation which will enhance the shape of your body. The body will appear to look curvy, balanced and the waist will appear to be narrower. The body shape will turn out to be elegant, shaped and classy.

Once the implantation is done in the body, an individual starts to look graceful. Women find it that the clothes are fitting in their bodies with more eases and grace. This develops the confidence level of a woman. This raises the bar of the patient confidence.

Time Frame required for Breast Implantation

The surgeon will do the implantation either above or below the chest muscle which is common. Implantations which are done above the muscle; time of recovery is less i.e. it heels up faster and it is less painful. These surgeries can cause a bit of pain and swell up the implanted area for few weeks. These surgeries take a recovery time about for a month. Now, the implantations which are done below the muscle can cause severe pain and for these surgeries medication is required at least for two weeks. Below the muscle impartations, take a heeling period of minimum six months with complete precautions and needs complete care. Visiting the doctor in both the cases is mandatory and prescribed meditation should be taken time to time.

Side Effects of Breast Implantation

There is no major side effect of breast implantation or breast argumentation. Few effects such as pain, swellings, bruising, stiffness in the chest muscle with recovery and sensitivity of the nipples may matter as a regard of effect in this case. These effects are very minimal and eradicate within few weeks causing no other side effect. But there is an only risk of getting infected for which the surgeon prescribes the regular antibiotics to the patient. If any other side effect is been recognised by the patient, she should immediately visit the doctor and get the prescription.

Few Considerations

Implantation of the breasts can be done in many surgical ways which includes few varieties. It may include the surgeries around the belly button, armpits and around the nipples. Few scarring may takes place depending upon where the surgery is been made on body of the patient. Armpits incisions are merely visible until the arm is been raised high. In the belly area the scarring caused is minimal where incisions are made. Comparatively to both the incisions made on the nipple cause the maximum amount of scarring of all three which should be taken care of through the medication prescribed by the doctor.

Prevention During Breast Implantation

The side effects of breast implantation can be minimised by taking few necessary precautions. Complete bed rest is been advised after the surgery by the surgeon, which should be taken care of. On the swollen breasts, ice packs should be used to reduce the swelling and pain. Few antibiotics should be taken regularly as prescribed by the surgeon until reduction in the breast pain and swelling. The patient is strictly advised not to take shower during the course of surgery and should not even raise arms even that will lead to pain and swelling up in the breasts.

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